Abandoned Cars Found in Mine, Could Have Been Hidden during World War II

Way cool and better than a barn find! 

FRANCE - A bunch of cars in a hole, courtesy of a story out of France that made headlines in the British tabloids. Where is that hole? Belgian PE teacher Vincent Michel, who found this one while hunting for hidden treasures as a self-styled “urban explorer,” won't say exactly where.

Specifically, the cars aren’t exactly in a hole, but rather an old mine that’s part of a quarry somewhere in central France. Vincent Michel came across the bizarre storage location and its gaggle of 1930s-era automobiles and, naturally, turned his lens on the rusting, deteriorating subjects. His theory on how the cars found their way into the mine focuses on World War II.

They were likely hidden away at the start of the war to avoid them being requisitioned, and were forgotten about by the end.

"We suppose the cars were brought into the quarry at the start of the war to stop them being seized.

"After the war, nobody took them out from there, forgotten forever. The owner of the quarry added a few more cars some years later.''

