Verify facts about Poland Spring


Verify facts about Poland Spring

To the Editor:
I've had the opportunity to read some recent articles in your paper concerning the water issue and Poland Spring Company. The concerns and comments expressed are a carbon copy of what started here in Fryeburg several years ago and I'm happy to say is finally running out of steam. In Fryeburg, a small but very vocal group of people have dedicated themselves for three or more years to letters, newsletters, handouts at public meetings, and any other means they could find, to distribute information to "educate" citizens about the water issues and Poland Spring. Unfortunately most of their "facts" have proven to be misguided and inaccurate. Now, many of the folks in this same small group have made it their mission to question the integrity and honesty of town employees, selectmen, and committee members (including myself) to keep their cause alive. Unfortunately, the result has been to create a negative atmosphere and disrupt our town government and, even worse, our town's personality in the process. I urge people in York County to beware of the folks who will use their "facts" to paint a negative picture and distort the truth. Read every bit of information you can but verify that the information is factual before you make a decision.
I can give you some of the truthful facts from Fryeburg and I encourage you to verify what I say. Poland Spring has done whatever the town has asked in the several approval processes that they have had to undertake in Fryeburg. The well-publicized court battle that ensued initially came about when our Planning and Appeals boards made conflicting decisions under pressure from that same small group I mentioned earlier. Poland Spring had no choice but to defend itself. The majority of citizens in Fryeburg did not wish to pursue any costly court case but took part only because of the conflicting decisions by their boards. Poland Spring's "good neighbor" policy and donations have benefited our community in numerous ways since they arrived. They have helped to restore Fryeburg Academy's Field House lost to an arson fire, supported the Project Graduation trip each year, provided new equipment for Fryeburg Rescue, made both water and monetary donations to sports teams, recreation programs, fund raising events, and the list goes on and on. Many times their generosity was offered without even being asked. Some would say they have "bought" their way into our town. I would say "bologna." They give when asked and don't ask anything in return except maybe a simple thank you. They have supplied data and even funded the cost of third-party research done by companies that we selected to constantly monitor the water table and environment to insure our town water supply is always plentiful. Poland Spring is part of Nestlé, a big corporation, but so are Hannaford, Rite Aid, Sam's Club, and other businesses that we all frequent and trust. On the other hand, Poland Spring has been in Maine for more than 100 years and proven to be a good neighbor to the communities where they've been located. All the employees of the company I've had the pleasure of meeting have demonstrated their goal of doing the best at their jobs and making Poland Spring a strong leader in business while always being aware of the community and people around them. Maine is a state that has many natural resources, including the water, which have profited companies but also supplied jobs and much financial boost to profit the communities and state economies. Poland Spring and its employees are committed to and do give back to their neighbors. So I urge you again to read every bit of information you can, take part in the discussions in your community, and always keep your mind open to all you hear and separate the true facts from the sometimes jealous or emotionally driven misinformation labeled as fact. Make your decision and let your voice be heard on the truth rather than the hype.
Jim Dutton

Poland Spring a good neighbor

To the Editor:
I have been a next-door neighbor of Poland Spring Water for almost four decades. At one time, for more than 100 years, the same family owned the Poland Spring Resort and Poland Spring Water, so this has given me a very intimate knowledge of how Poland Spring Water treats their neighbors, their community, the environment, and their employees.

The company has been a willing partner with our resort on many projects, which frankly is not necessarily their responsibility. As a good neighbor they contribute to many nonprofits that I am involved in, support the heating fund in Poland and donate time, energy and money to educational programs for the benefit of school children in Poland, Minot, Mechanic Falls and elsewhere throughout the state. If you ask the local school department, the local fire department, the food bank, the historic society, and others to numerous to count who is one their largest contributors is it Poland Spring Water.

And it's not only the company; it's their employees. When we have had any environmental issue, Poland Spring employees have freely volunteered their time with technical assistance. They have even helped me maintain our fishpond on the resort grounds.

There is a lot of discussion of whether or not spring water companies and in particular Poland Spring will deplete aquifers and negatively affect neighboring properties from being able to draw water form their wells. This has never happened in our community and they have been bottling here since 1845!
It is very hard to understand some of the criticism that is levied against the company especially when I have experienced three different owners of the brand. Poland Spring Water has earned a great deal respect from the Poland community and surrounding communities and continues to be an important asset of our town, with good paying jobs, a huge tax base for the town of Poland, and an excellent caring neighbor.

Cyndi Robbins
Poland Spring Resort

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